My art work.12
It takes a long time to grow young.

-Pablo Picasso-
■Lovers of sky(中空の恋人)
■Ultra-management society(超管理社会)
■An elephant was astray(道に迷った象さん)
■Scared to the Fukushima nuclear accident(福島原発事故への脅え)
■Flower blooming in the universe(宇宙に咲く華)
■Or discover the ancient ruins?(古代の遺跡を発見か?)
■Angel Part 2(天使 パート2)
■Probability of the existence of aliens?(宇宙人の存在する確率は?)
■Flower part1
■Buddha on the airship(飛行船の上の仏陀)
■A late-night party
■A search to the different dimension.
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